Monday, August 19, 2013

What makes a leader?

"Leader is a person have followers"
What is a leader?
Leader is a person who influences and inspires others to get things done. An effective leader will promote loyalty, motivation, respect and trust from the workforce.
(Business and Management, Paul Hoang, the IB Diploma programmer)

What is a leadership?
-Dictionary:A person who guides or directs a group.

-Book: Leadership is the process of influencing and inspiring others to achieve the goal, from completing a task to achieving corporate objective. Leaders tend to focus on achieving broader goals or visions with no definite time frame in mind.
(Business and Management, Paul Hoang, the IB Diploma programmer)

-Internet:  According to Peter Drucker: “The only definition of a leader is someone who has follower”, Bill Gates: “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower other.”  And John Maxwell: “Leadership is influence-nothing more, nothing less.”  

*Opinion: In my opinion leadership is a skill of how a person can handle people and influence them to achieve a certain goal and ensuring they work together in harmony.

Management and leadership style refers to the different ways which managers and leaders behave or reveal their behavior. There are three types of leaderships, which is Autocratic, Democratic and Laissez-Faire:  
        Autocratic leader                   Democratic leader                       Laissez-Faire

1)      Autocratic: A style of management centered on the manager in which the manager makes all the decision.
2)      Democratic: A style of management in which the manager takes decisions only after consulting team members.
3)      Laissez-Faire: A style of management in which decisions are left to those who actually do the work, the manager only becoming involved when asked to resolve problems.
(Cambridge ICGSE Business Studies 2nd edition, Chris J.Nuttall and Medi Houghton)

1) Autocratic: In Autocratic the leader will control/ make their own decision for the business.
Example: My father was a strict person, he don’t allow me hangout with my friend. But if I break the rules, my dad will be scolding me for a hole day.

2) Democratic: The leader is chosen based on the choice of employees.
Example:  In school, the committee members of student council are elected based on the majority votes of the students and teachers.

3) Laissez-faire: For this kind of decentralized leadership, the leader  splits and delegates the major tasks to the underlings who in turns manage others by themselves.
Example: I manage myself even though my father is the leader of the household. I have the freedom to create my own personal time table for study time and resting time. Even though I have a lot of freedom for doing whatever I want but i still have to give an account of what i have been doing throughout the day to my father when ever he questions me.

I think that, these three leaderships style have advantages and disadvantages. These three leadership skill has different effects on the employees in the business. I feel that being a leader you have to use these three types of leadership based on the needs of different situations.

Class Debate: Are leaders born or made?

From my point of view, a leader is made, just because some people are talented in leaderships skills or natural personality of a human being doesn't makes a person more inclined to be a leader, it doesn't mean they can be leaders in the future if he or she doesn't continuously cultivate and improve their leadership skills. Personally, a leader can be trained up if given enough time, environment and external guidance formally or informally. But all things don't happen overnight, leadership skills must start young or early.

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