Sunday, September 29, 2013

3.0 Recruitement


     I have learned that Apple Corporation hires people based on 3 major groups - Corporate, Retail Store and Students & College Graduates. From this 3 major groups, they are further narrowed down to each specific functions. In my opinion, I think Steve Jobs uses a competency-based recruitment and selection. This kind of selection helps identify applicants' hard competencies which are education background and knowledge as well as soft competencies which can be derived from personality of the applicants but still rooted in knowledge.

     I think Steve Jobs predicts the job performance of a job applicants and find the best people to achieve its corporation's objectives. In the Apple's official website, there are array of questionnaires to guide and assist the applicants to narrow down their areas of expertise that would best fit the corporation. I think that the advantage of this recruitment method is that it is result oriented, whereby discrimination won't exist and every potential applicants will be selected purely based on their ability to perform in the specific role that the company is looking to fill in.
In their website, i also saw that Apple Corporation's advertisement very much reflect their organization's organization structure whereby there are specific functional units within their organization. In conclusion, I feel this kind of recruitment method is fair enough as it is not biased in any way and it reflects Apple's meritocracy system that simply selects the best among the rest. I think I might want to try to apply there in future as i see that the fairness is their system is attractive to me.

1. OntoHR project,2013. VET Competencies and personnel selection. "The state of the art".25th September 2013

2. Robbins, S.P & Stuart Kotze,R, 1987. "Management Concepts and Practices" Canadian edition. 25th September 2013

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